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Professor Anthony Freemont MD FRCP FRCPath

Osteoarticular Pathologist since 2006


Professor of Osteoarticular (Bone and Joint) Pathology in the University of Manchester, a post Tony has held for 30 years.


Prof Freemont's undergraduate degrees are Bachelor of Medicine, Surgery and Science (MB. BS.; BSc (Anatomy). He has a Doctorate in Medicine (MD) anbd passed the examinations for Membership of the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Pathologists (MRCP, MRCPath) and have subsequently been made a Fellow of both Royal Colleges (FRCP, FRCPath).
Tony has 40 years’ experience working for HM Coroner, and 31 years as an expert witness in medicolegal cases.


He specialises in the process of fracture and the generalised disorders of bone known as the metabolic bone diseases.

Professor Anthony Freemont

  • Forensic Pathology

    • Osteoricular Pathology
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