▪ A novel ex vivo model of compressive immature rib fractures at pathophysiological
rates of loading. Beadle N, Burnett TL, Hoyland JA, Sherratt MJ, Freemont AJ. J
Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2015 Nov;51:154-62.
▪ Altered relative expression of BMPs and BMP inhibitors in cartilaginous areas of
human fractures progressing towards nonunion. Kwong FN, Hoyland JA, Freemont
AJ, Evans CH. J Orthop Res. 2009 Jun;27(6):752-7.
▪ Investigation of growth, development, and factors associated with injury in elite
schoolboy footballers: prospective study. Johnson A, Doherty PJ, Freemont A. BMJ.
2009 Feb 26;338:b490. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b490.
▪ Regional and cellular localisation of BMPs and their inhibitors’ expression in
human fractures. Kwong FN, Hoyland JA, Evans CH, Freemont AJ. Int Orthop. 2009
▪ Bone histomorphometry in children prior to commencing renal replacement
therapy. Waller S, Shroff R, Freemont AJ, Rees L. Pediatr Nephrol. 2008
Histopathological perspective on bone marrow oedema, reactive bone change
and haemorrhage. Thiryayi WA, Thiryayi SA, Freemont AJ. Eur J Radiol. 2008
▪ Can bisphosphonate treatment be stopped in a growing child with skeletal
fragility? Ward KA, Adams JE, Freemont TJ, Mughal MZ. Osteoporos Int. 2007
▪ Morphology, mechanisms and pathology of musculoskeletal ageing. Freemont AJ,
Hoyland JA. J Pathol. 2007 Jan;211(2):252-9.
▪ Evidence for cell-specific changes with age in expression of oestrogen receptor
(ER) alpha and beta in bone fractures from men and women. Batra GS, Hainey
L, Freemont AJ, Andrew G, Saunders PT, Hoyland JA, Braidman IP. J Pathol. 2003
May;200(1):65- 73.
▪ Synovial osteochondromatosis complicating pilon fracture of the tibia. Robinson P,
Whitehouse RW, Freemont AJ, Ellis D. Skeletal Radiol. 2001 Aug;30(8):475-7.
▪ Down-regulation of human osteoblast PTH/PTHrP receptor mRNA in end-stage
renal failure. Picton ML, Moore PR, Mawer EB, Houghton D, Freemont AJ, Hutchison
AJ, Gokal R, Hoyland JA. Kidney Int. 2000 Oct;58(4):1440-9.
▪ Preliminary report of impaired oestrogen receptor-alpha expression in bone,
but no involvement of androgen receptor, in male idiopathic osteoporosis.
Braidman IP, Baris C, Selby PL, Adams JE, Freemont AJ, Hoyland JA. J Pathol. 2000
▪ Preliminary evidence for impaired estrogen receptor-alpha protein expression
in osteoblasts and osteocytes from men with idiopathic osteoporosis. Braidman
I, Baris C, Wood L, Selby P, Adams J, Freemont A, Hoyland J. Bone. 2000
▪ Birth associated changes in pulmonary arterial connective tissue gene expression
in the normal and hypertensive lung. Kitley RM, Hislop AA, Hall SM, Freemont AJ,
Haworth SG. Cardiovasc Res. 2000 May;46(2):332-45.
▪ Cross-sectional analysis of renal transplantation osteoporosis. Parker CR, Freemont
AJ, Blackwell PJ, Grainge MJ, Hosking DJ. J Bone Miner Res. 1999 Nov;14(11):1943-
Hip fracture and bone histomorphometry in a young adult with cystic fibrosis.
Haworth CS, Freemont AJ, Webb AK, Dodd ME, Selby PL, Mawer EB, Adams JE. Eur
Respir J. 1999 Aug;14(2):478-9.
▪ Expression of the gene encoding the matrix gla protein by mature osteoblasts
in human fracture non-unions. Lawton DM, Andrew JG, Marsh DR, Hoyland JA,
Freemont AJ. Mol Pathol. 1999 Apr;52(2):92-6.
▪ Differential patterns of altered bone formation in different bone compartments
in established osteoporosis. Byers RJ, Denton J, Hoyland JA, Freemont AJ. J Clin
Pathol. 1999 Jan;52(1):23-8.
▪ Differential patterns of osteoblast dysfunction in trabecular bone in patients with
established osteoporosis. Byers RJ, Denton J, Hoyland JA, Freemont AJ. J Clin
Pathol. 1997 Sep;50(9):760-4.
▪ Mature osteoblasts in human non-union fractures express collagen type III.
Lawton DM, Andrew JG, Marsh DR, Hoyland JA, Freemont AJ. Mol Pathol. 1997
▪ Demonstration of estrogen receptor mRNA in bone using in situ reverse-
transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Hoyland JA, Mee AP, Baird P, Braidman
IP, Mawer EB, Freemont AJ. Bone. 1997 Feb;20(2):87-92.
▪ Demonstration of vitamin D receptor transcripts in actively resorbing osteoclasts in
bone sections. Mee AP, Hoyland JA, Braidman IP, Freemont AJ, Davies M, Mawer
EB. Bone. 1996 Apr;18(4):295-9.
▪ Platelet-derived growth factor expression in normally healing human fractures.
Andrew JG, Hoyland JA, Freemont AJ, Marsh DR. Bone. 1995 Apr;16(4):455-60.
▪ Histomorphometric classification of postmenopausal osteoporosis: implications for
the management of osteoporosis. Rehman MT, Hoyland JA, Denton J, Freemont
AJ. J Clin Pathol. 1995 Mar;48(3):229-35.
▪ Inflammatory cells in normal human fracture healing. Andrew JG, Andrew SM,
Freemont AJ, Marsh DR. Acta Orthop Scand. 1994 Aug;65(4):462-6.
▪ Age related histomorphometric changes in bone in normal British men and
women. Rehman MT, Hoyland JA, Denton J, Freemont AJ. J Clin Pathol. 1994
Jun;47(6):529- 34.
▪ Insulinlike growth factor gene expression in human fracture callus. Andrew JG,
Hoyland J, Freemont AJ, Marsh D. Calcif Tissue Int. 1993 Aug;53(2):97-102.