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The MALA Charity Ball 2024

The glitz and glam of the MALA (Midlands Asian Lawyers Association) charity ball did not disappoint, nor did the excellent company, food, and fundraising efforts.

Forensic Equity MALA
Forensic Equity, proud supporters of the MALA Ball 2024

As some of you may know, MALA is a non-profit organization that run networking and career development events throughout the Midlands and raise money for good causes. We at Forensic Equity have had the honour of sponsoring and attending the MALA ball for two years running and hope to be involved for many years to come.

Guest speakers this year included the District Judge Afzal OBE; a representative from the charity ‘Support through Court’ (Elizabeth Parkes); and (Lubna Shuja), who spoke about a range of topics including the struggles of those who fall outside the threshold of LAA, Asian representation in the legal system and the progression of attitudes within the justice system. Not only were their speeches eye-opening but also heart-warming to see how much effort and care goes into their charitable efforts. 

Elizabeth Parkes and District Judge Afzal OBE
Speakers included Elizabeth Parkes and District Judge Afzal OBE

Whilst we speak to many attendees' day in and day out via emails or telephone calls, it is always very rewarding to meet our clients in person. We understand the importance of forensic evidence but it is always fascinating to hear how the specific expert witness testimony we provided, weaved into their case as a whole and how it affected the outcome. However, our conversations were not all business-related, and we were able to let our hair down on the dance floor:

The Forensic Equity Management Team
Forensic Equity's management team dancing the night away

Finally, given it's such a lovely photo; a special mention to one of our senior forensic biologists who joined the festivities, Nigel Hodge:

Nigel Hodge Forensic Expert at the MALA Ball
Nigel Hodge, Forensic Biologist at Forensic Equity

We are truly thankful to be part of this amazing experience and are already looking forward to October 2025. We hope you can join us.

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